1. Premier Public school is a co-educational English medium school, affiliated to CBSE.
2. The school has many multi talented students and thus besides academics the school has many activities to offer in a close knit and caring community.
3. The school is looking for teachers who have good experience or are willing to quickly learn and adapt to the existing way of teaching in this school. Premier Public School is a modern progressive school but at the same time endeavours to inculcate good Indian values amongst students.
4. The candidate must be postgraduates in the relevant subject along with a teaching degree. They must be versatile and have good communication skills. They are expected to be innovative and be able to make a positive impact on the students under their charge.
5. The school offers salary to its staff which is comparable to the best schools in the country.
To apply, fill the prescribed form, available at school, and e-mail it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post it to the school address.
Current Vacancies
The teachers with a zeal and spirit to teach the students with utmost passion are always welcomed.